CASA LAMAR opens its doors in Cádiz as a space for fashion, art and creativity in our province. The 'made in Cádiz' as ethics and aesthetics, as synonyms of quality, sustainability and global projection. Our tradition made contemporary.
A house is not just a place, an impersonal space in which to take refuge. A house is the expression of those who inhabit it, a creation of those who live in it and make it home. Our house says as much about us as our words or our actions. Houses are such a thing when someone grants them -voluntarily or involuntarily- a personality. That is why CASA LAMAR is for Ana Sánchez -fashion designer and creative director- and Daniel Vázquez -graphic designer and photographer- a physical and spatial extension of who they are, their way of understand creativity, entrepreneurship and active citizenship.

Such an intimate project but at the same time with such a global vocation, needed a home, a space of its own in which to display its personality. And that place, for them, could not be other than Cádiz, in the very heart of the city, at the confluence of Rosario and Beato Diego streets. Sustainable silk scarves, jewelry and brooches, organic cotton garments produced and made in La Barca de la Florida. Own design and organic raw materials from local, sustainable and top quality productions, that is the mark left by LAMAR's designs in his house in Cádiz.

But a house is not only given personality by those who inhabit it, but also by those who are invited. A house is also for those that we invite to come in. Our guests define us, and Ana Sánchez and Daniel Vázquez want their CASA LAMAR to also be a place for guests, a space for creation and meeting. Because at CASA LAMAR we can also find the works of other creators -contemporary artists and artisans from the province of Cádiz- who are part of PROYECTO LAMAR, the initiative to recover and revalue top-quality contemporary crafts that take place in our province that launched last year by the couple of creators from Cádiz. Ceramics, painting, skin, sculptures, hearts of palm, reeds, wood or fashion, the mastery of tradition expressed from the contemporary, giving the art that is made in Cádiz the projection space it deserves.